Family Ministry Listening Session

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Family Ministry Listening Session

  • Thursday, April 28, 2022
    • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

About Event

As you may know, our beloved Sunday school coordinator, Scott Lilly, is ready to retire after years of faithfully leading PSUMC children in spiritual formation. In coming weeks, we will be working on transitioning our Sunday school model to a rotating team of teachers from within the church community who will follow a curriculum. And we will certainly have an opportunity to celebrate with Scott and thank him!

In the meantime, as we look ahead, the Staff Pastor Parish Relations team wants to hear from parents and other caregivers of our youngest members. What are your hopes and dreams as a family of faith not only for your child(ren) but for yourself? Regan Toews, Kirsten Rezende Lopes, and Kathy McCullagh along with Rev. Melissa are setting up listening sessions to better understand how the church can support PSUMC families with babies, children, and youth. 

Please sign up for a session that works best for you:
April 28 @ 8:00 Zoom

May 1 @ Noon  PSUMC
May 3 @ 6pm Zoom
