Bible 365 Ministry Team

Bible 365 Ministry Team

  • Serving Team
  • CU Main Campus
  • English

About Group

Whether you’re taking your first steps into exploring the Bible, or you’re seeking a structured approach to engage with the Scriptures daily, the Bible 365 Ministry Team invites you to join us in this transformative journey. Together, let’s immerse ourselves in the Word, uncovering the treasures within and allowing them to shape our lives, our faith, and our community.

Embark on a year-round journey through the Scriptures with the Bible 365 Ministry Team at the Central Union Church of Christ. Deepening our understanding and connection to God’s Word, we come together to explore, reflect, and live out the timeless truths and teachings encapsulated in the Bible.

About the Bible 365 Ministry Team

The Bible 365 Ministry Team is dedicated to guiding the group members through the entirety of the Bible, one day at a time, throughout the year. Recognizing the profound wisdom, guidance, and love expressed in the Scriptures, our team is committed to facilitating a structured and insightful exploration of the Bible, fostering spiritual growth, and building a solid foundation of faith among participants.

Our Mission
Lead the Bible 365 community in daily Bible readings, ensuring a continuous and encompassing journey through the scriptures over the year.

Spiritual Enrichment
Provide enriching insights, reflections, and discussions that enable members to delve deeper into the meaning and application of the Word.

Community Building
Foster a supportive and engaging environment where all participants feel welcomed, valued, and encouraged in their spiritual journey.

Living the Word
Equip participants with the understanding and inspiration to embody the teachings of the Bible in their everyday lives, becoming beacons of God’s love and grace.

Activities and Gatherings

Scripture Readings
Engage with God’s Word daily through guided readings and reflections shared via email, social media, and our website.

Discussion Groups
Facilitate small group meetings, both in-person and online, where participants can share insights, seek clarity, and experience fellowship.

Reflection Workshops
Host workshops that explore the themes, historical context, and practical applications of specific books or passages of the Bible.

Prayer Circles
Organize times of collective prayer, where the community can come together to seek God’s guidance, express gratitude, and uphold one another in prayer.

Cecil Godbold
Cecil Godbold


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