About Event
The next generation needs us, and we need each other. Come! Together, let’s find support and strength as we strive to lead and love our children and families in Christian faith.
The Christian Family Resource Conference (CFRC) has been designed to encourage, equip and inspire Christian Families through instruction and insight from a biblical worldview. This conference is intended for moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles … family members, friends … teachers, pastors, church members … anyone that has direct influence in the development and discipleship of children from infancy through adolescence. The Christian Family Resource Conference (CFRC) is for you!
The speakers/workshops are top notch. They each bring professional expertise and personal experience in a wide variety of areas such as early childhood development, marriage & family, faith & finance, addiction and recovery, loss & grief, identity & sexuality, spiritual discipleship, parenting, apologetics and more!
God has GOOD PLANS for you and your family! Psalms 23:6 declares with certainty that “goodness and mercy will follow you every day of your life.”
For more information contact us at info@libertychurches.org or check out our webpage at www.libertychurches.org/cfrc