Encourager Ministry

Encourager Ministry

  • Serving Team
  • English

About Group

Purpose: The task of the encourager is to approach others in a loving manner with the claims of Christ. Encouragers make people feel wanted at our church through phone calls, visitation, cards, and other means of encouragement. They seek to make everyone feel welcome.

Definition: An encourager is a bridge builder to those outside the church. Encouragers locate people who have no contact with the ministry of the church. They love with an unconditional love.

Scripture Basis: “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:24-25).

The activity of this ministry will include:
Identification of individuals and couples with the desire to invest their lives into the lives of others. Training and background are irrelevant. The desire is the predominant factor.
Provision of training, equipping, and encouragement to those desiring to be involved in this ministry.
The “sending forth” of these individuals and couples as the need arises.
(1)   Visitors that have been with us for two to three weeks will be adopted by encouragers. Invitations to their homes, invitations to church and Sunday School activities, and introductions to others in the church will be the responsibility of the encouragers.
(2)   Counselees referred by the pastoral staff or from outside counseling may need a special friend or encourager as a follow-up to counseling.
Development of a program to meet the food, clothing, and shelter needs that arise in the body and the community.

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