Worship Gathering - King for All

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Worship Gathering - King for All

About Event

Worship Gathering

This Sunday we continue our sermon series called King for All: The Book of Luke. The Gospels are written to specific groups. In the Gospel of Luke, Luke makes the case that Jesus is for all. Join us in taking a good look at who Jesus is for all of us. What does God have to say to you in this?
Join us Sunday at 10:15am either onsite or online! The link to the online service is on our website at (www.caspernazarene.com) and click on the Link to the Service.

Links for Sunday Morning:
Reflection Questions: (Privately or invite a few friends to discuss!)
1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?

2. What four qualities ought to characterize kingdom people (6:20-22)? How would you define each? What blessing is promised for each?

3. What four warnings did Jesus give (vv.24-26)? How would you summarize each? To whom were they aimed?

4. What is the significance of Jesus' shift in the object of love (see Lev. 19:18)? How merciful has God been to you?

5. What was Jesus' implicit plea to his disciples in verse 46? How do the two builders illustrate obedience and consequences?

6. How can we encourage and pray for each other in this?